Saturday, May 28, 2011

Too Much of a Good Thing

I am very tired; I've had too much of a good thing. I was up later than usual, enjoying an old tube radio I purchased a while back, and creating compilations of recorded songs. Those compilations of songs could be a soundtrack to these documents.
I was feeling very romantic, but not in the amorous sense. Instead, I was thinking about the etherial desert, and music, and old tube radios. The radio, to which I was listening, is one from c. 1958. It's case is made of hard plastic, and though it uses tubes instead of transistors, it has a circuit board instead of a chassis. Therefore, it is representative of the last generation of tube radios. I have another similar radio, from c. 1966. That one was made by a different manufacturer.
I enjoy the tones a tube radio can produce. For similar reasons, many musicians prefer tube amplifiers. Sometimes, I have a tin ear, but I think I can tell the difference between the sounds emanating from an old tube radio, and ones coming from a solid state model. I'd hate to do a blind test though, and be proven wrong.
I just like keeping old appliances in service, even though I am not adept enough to actually repair or refurbish old appliances. I would still like to keep them out of the landfill. I'm somewhat of a conservationist; I like to provide a home for things like old radios. I also like to buy old vinyl records. Recently, I purchased some old LPs, which were kind of dirty. I cleaned them up, and I bought inner sleeves for the ones which were missing those.
I try to rescue old radios and vinyl records, the same way some people rescue animals. Like some stereotypical cat lady though, I hope I don't start hoarding these things.

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